Page 19 - Plan of Organization 2015-0919
P. 19

(2)    Promote educational opportunities for ordination through
               the graduate-level Master of Divinity  (MDiv),  Training in  Ministry (TRIM),  Education  For
               Shared  Ministry (EFSM),  and  Academy-level training Systems utilizing Bethany Theological
               Seminary, Susquehanna Valley Ministry Center, and other accredited approved training

                                            (3)    Administer the student loan fund for the District.

                                            (4)    Review and  provide clearance to  all licensed  ministers’
               requests to perform weddings.

                                            (5)    Counsel candidates prior to ordination, conducting
               subsequent pre-ordination interviews, and presentation of the candidate to the District Board for

                                            (6)    Promote growth and continuing education opportunities for
               all ordained persons.

                                            (7)    Notify District  Board  when  a license or ordination  is

                                            (8)    Provide  guidance and training  for the local  church  entity
               responsible for maintaining good ministerial relationships.

                                            (9)    Encourage and assist congregations in calling persons to
               Christian ministry through ministry discernment.

                                            (10)   Provide support groups for ministers.

                                            (11)   Promote healthy family and marriage relationships among

                                            (12)   Provide for Ethics in  Ministry Relations Training for all
               licensed and ordained ministers within the District.

                                            (13)   Seek to comply with denominational guidelines contained
               in the Ministerial Leadership Paper passed by Annual Conference, 1999 or its successor.

                                     (iv)   Stewards Commission.   The Stewards Commission shall be
               responsible for the following areas of ministry:

                                            (1)    Encourage the churches and District agencies to be faithful
               stewards of God’s resources.

                                            (2)    Encourage and promote  “Tithing  Emphasis”  with  all
               churches in the District.

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