Page 3 - Plan of Organization 2015-0919
P. 3


                             Southern Pennsylvania District Church of the Brethren


               The mission of the church is set forth in the Great Commission of our Lord
               (Matthew 28:18-20).  This is understood as having an inner and an outer direction.

               The inner mission of the church is to nurture its members that they may grow
               more and more into the stature of maturity in Christ.

               The outer mission of the church is to make known the salvation of God through
               His Son Jesus Christ and to be related as God’s instrument to the problems and
               needs of the world.  These two major functions of the church are effective to the
               extent that they are undergirded by stewardship of time, talent, and treasure on the
               part of the membership.

               The District is a group of congregations located in geographic proximity to each
               other and having common purposes.  The District enables the member
               congregations to do together what they cannot do separately, striving for a
               common mission, and helping them to carry out their major functions and common
               mission.  The organizational structure of the District shall reflect this mutuality and
               common mission.   Above all, the organization should be a helpful means to the
               achievement of the District’s goals and the fulfillment of its functions.

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