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Brethren Authors & Performing Artists may display their material here without cost. These talented individuals will give you a deeper look into the life and thought of the Brethren. Read how they grew up and the values they were taught. Experience their church life. Understand the spiritual convictions of being a member of the Church of the Brethren. Listen to their contemporary music and hear what they sing about today. Please order all items directly from each author, and tell them you saw it here! Brethren artists, advertise your new Brethren book or cassette or CD-ROM for free! That's right, free! As long as the content is related to the Church of the Brethren with the intent of communicating Brethren thoughts and ideas. Send title and description to COB Bookstore, also attach a scanned image of its cover if possible.
Brethren Thinking
by Michael Hari
A collection of historical, devotional, and doctrinal essays from an Old Order Anabaptist perspective. Topics include non-resistance, the ban, head covering, hymnody, outreach and missions, progressivism, and community of goods. Bruederboete Press, Hardcover, 179 Pages.
$29 USD plus tax+shipping. Purchase from LuLu Marketplace
Recovering the Love Feast: Broadening Our Eucharistic Celebrations
by Paul Fike Stutzman / Foreword by Eleanor Kreider
What is a Love Feast? How did the early church celebrate the Love Feast? How might Christians today celebrate the Love Feast? In Recovering the Love Feast (Wipf and Stock, 2011), Paul Stutzman addresses these questions, offering a unique blend of liturgical history and practical theology. Part I outlines the history of the Love Feast, noting its prevalence in early church worship, its gradual decline, and its reemergence in the practices of several Pietist groups (e.g., the Moravians, Methodists and Brethren). Particular focus is given to five elements of the celebration, that is: Eucharistic preparation, feetwashing, the fellowship meal, the holy kiss, and the Eucharist proper.
In Part II, Stutzman argues that the Love Feast is a valuable Christian practice and a celebration worth recovering in those traditions that may have forgotten the feast. Rather than prescribing a specific method for celebrating the Love Feast, Stutzman proposes that there are five key disciplines that today?s Love Feasts should embody: submission, love, confession, reconciliation, and thanksgiving. This book encourages Christians from a range of traditions to experiment with reclaiming the Love Feast, with the hope that each celebration serves as an act of worship to God and an authentic expression of Christian discipleship.
Paul Stutzman is Associate Pastor of Clover Creek Church of the Brethren in Martinsburg, PA, where he lives lives with his wife and two children. He received his M.A. in Religion from Eastern Mennonite Seminary in Harrisonburg, VA in 2009, and this book is an expanded version of his Master's thesis.
For further information or to place a direct order, contact:
Paul Stutzman For signed copies, please send check for $28 ($25 + $3 S/H) to Paul Stutzman, C/O Fraternity Church of the Brethren, 3760 Fraternity Church Rd. Winston-Salem, NC 27127.
Alexander Mack: A Man Who Rippled the Waters
by Myrna Grove / Illustrated by Mary Jewell
Finally, the first illustrated childrens book about Alexander Mack, first minister and organizer of the Brethren, has arrived! Written especially for children, this biography will become a treasured sourcebook for all ages. The text conveys, in simple terms, the 18th century political and religious landscape that Mack experienced in Germany and Holland, and later in Pennsylvania. Beautifully illustrated paintings accent his apprenticeship, the work at his father's mill, and his flight into the forest to survive the Thirty Years War.
As an adult Mack becomes dissatisfied with the established church. When threatened by local officials, he flees to Schwarzenau. After the forbidden baptisms in the Eder River, he organizes the group's evangelistic activities and writes about their beliefs. Sharing his personal funds, he devotes his life to preaching and caring for members of the German Baptists as they make decisions based on faith and eventually sail to America. This 64-page hardback is enhanced with 50 carefully researched oil paintings by Mary Jewell which portray the time period of Mack's life.
For further information or to place a direct order, contact:
M. Grove Books, 526 Cardinal Dr., Bryan, Ohio 43506 or at www.mgrovebooks.com. $22.00 + $3.00 S&H per book. Include your name, address, title, and quantity.
One Who Served: Elder Charles Nesselrodt of Shenandoah County
by Terry W. Barkley
This book tells the story of Elder Charles Nesselrodt, one of the last free and one of the first set apart ministers among the Brethren. A farmer and laborer, he served both the Stony Creek and Flat Rock Church, the oldest Brethren congregation in Virginia (in Shenandoah County in the Shenandoah Valley).
Barkley, a professional archivist, penned One Who Served after becoming a member at Stony Creek Church of the Brethren, located in Baseye, Virginia, and becoming acquainted with Nesselrodts descendants. He was particularly intrigued by a 1905 photograph of a Brethren baptism conducted by Elder Nesselrodt in a local stream. Barkleys engaging style conveys a colorful Valley history, rich in genealogy. The reader quickly becomes absorbed in the lives of the people who lived among the isolated valleys and hills in the Shenandoah Valley in the late nineteenth century. (3rd edition, 2004, softcover, illustrated, and fully indexed. 101 pp.) The book is $12.95 plus $2.50 shipping and handling per book.
For further information or to place a direct order, contact:
Lot's Wife Publishing, P.O. Box 1844, Staunton, VA 24402, Contact: lotswife@adelphia.net
You Can't Get There from Here!
by Mary Jane King
It is the personal story of a woman called by God into His ministry. It takes you step by step through her exciting, yet at times frustrating, journey as a Licensed Minister in the Church of the Brethren. As she struggled to follow the leading of her Lord, Satan seemed to do everything in his power to stop her. Walk with her as time and time again she stepped out in faith -- placing her future in God's hands.
Mary Jane writes from first-hand experience as she lived the story. She has served as a Licensed Minister in two different Churches. The cost of the book is $10.95 plus $2.00 (shipping and handling).
For further information or to place a direct order, contact:
Mary Jane King, 1070 Creek Road, Carlisle, PA 17015, kinglm@pa.net
Pornography and the Pulpit:
Understanding the Sins of the Shepherd as a Means of Restorationby Richard Nevard
It addresses the root causes for sexual addiction and what dynamics seem to play a part in making this the drug of choice among clergy (50-75% of clergy are involved!). The book also offers a clear biblical approach for denominational leaders on how to bring their fallen ministers through recovery and restore them to their call. One out of every seven adults in America view pornography on line each month (3X Church). It is by far the most comprehensive book on this subject in print.
For further information or to place a direct order, contact:
Richard Nevard at christiandrick@aol.com
Antietam Antecedents
by Elmer Q. Gleim
Volume 1, written by Elmer Q. Gleim, details the development of the Antietam Church of the Brethren of Franklin Co., PA, and Washington Co., MD. The book describes the uniqueness of the Church in the context of geography, genealogy, and political history at the time the American nation was being formed. The spiral-bound book consists of 146, 8 1/2" x 11" pages, forty-three illustrations and maps, and an index. It is the first Volume of a three-volume set of the history of the Antietam Church.
Volumes II and III are scheduled to be released in 2006. The price of the book is $25.00 (postage included).
For further information or to place a direct order, contact:
Order directly from: Dianne Bowders, 593 Chestnut Hill Road, York, PA 17402-9529
Descendants of John and Susanna (Ulrich) Deeter
by Gale Edwin Spitler Honeyman
Brethren pioneers, John and Susanna resided near the Roaring Spring in then Bedford County PA prior to the outbreak of the American Revolutionary War. Seeking safety from Indian conflict, they moved eastward to Cumberland County where John enlisted as a soldier. With the restoration of peace, they returned to their former home in Morrison's Cove where both passed the remainder of their lives. After settling the parental estate in 1805, all of the children except the eldest daughter and her husband traveled to Montgomery County OH where they were founding members of the Salem Dunker congregation. In 1812 the Rench family also migrated choosing Miami County OH and were quickly there joined by her siblings, becoming founding members of the Panther Creek [later renamed Sugar Grove] Dunker congregation.
John and Susanna's children as named in their 1763 Saur Bible, and their mates were: Susannah [Joseph Rench II], Elizabeth [Abraham Kensinger II or III], John II or III [Susannah Stover], Daniel [Esther (Teeter?], Abraham [Elizabeth Rench], Barbara [John Shively Teeter], Hannah [Michael Burns], Catharine [single] and Samuel [Fanny unknown]. The compilation continues forward with nine generations, including all female lines of descent.
Published in 1998, the 782 pages are on acid free paper, 8 1/2" x 11" stock, hard bound and contains 19,579 index entries. Citations are copious.
Available from the author at $55.00, post-paid: Gale Edwin Spitler Honeyman, 101 So. Main St., Laura OH 45337-0035, ghoneyman@woh.rr.com
A People Committed: The West Green Tree Church of the Brethren
by Robert A. Hess
The story begins with the migration of the Brethren into Mount Joy Township, Pennsylvania, first as part of the White Oak Congregation and then as a part of the Chiques Congregation. Also contains a rich history of life during the period. The remainder of the book then tells of the West Green Tree as a separate congregation, beginning in 1902 and continuing until the date of publication, 1997. Contains 238 pages, 26 pictures, an appendix, plus an good index. The price of the book is $12.00 plus $2.00 for postage and handling. Order directly from:
Robert A. Hess, 1625 Campus Road, Elizabethtown, PA 17022-8404, robhess4@juno.com
West Green Tree COB -- 740 Green Tree Road, Elizabethtown, PA 17022
A Church In Mission: Hanover COB Observes Its Centennial
by Elmer Q. Gleim
The Hanover Church of the Brethren in Hanover, Pennsylvania, has just published its history, heritage and genealogy. The congregation will be l00 years old next March, 2002. The membership has planned for an early observance of this important phase of the congregations life. The members are aware that some of their families trace their beginnings in York County to the days before the County was formed (March, l749) as a separate political unit. The story of this churchs mission is related in a new volume prepared especially for the anniversary year. The volume has been prepared by Elmer Q. Gleim, Church Historian for the Southern District of Pennsylvania, with assistance from a church committee. The hard-back volume combines local history with genealogy and the various movements of the century which brought changes to the congregational life. The title of the volume is A Church In Mission and is available through the Church Office at 50l Wilson Avenue Hanover, PA 17331
The Hanover congregation took form at the very beginning of the 20th century as families from surrounding regions migrated to the Hanover Borough for employment and eventual retirement. Many of these families brought their artisan skills from farming communities and promoted the industrial, mechanical and commercial interests of the York County settlement. For those interested in tracing family lines, the genealogical portions of the book are important. Many of the Hanover members point to their earliest forbears in the l8th century who became a part of the settlement of the frontier lands. Some of these families identified with the Little Conewago (Black Rock Church of the Brethren) (l738) and the Big Conewago (now known popularly as Mummerts Church) (l74l). These settlers were a part of the Great German Migration as dissenters and adventurers followed the new road into the wilderness. A surveyor of the county, Michael Danner (l706-l782), formed the path along the Monocacy Road which brought many of these German people into Southwestern York County, Maryland and the Shenandoah Valley.
The Hanover Church began as a mission on Center Square in the Gitt Building. The District Mission Board, under the leadership of Joseph A Long (l853-l927), inaugurated the mission with the assistance of Ella Raffensperger (l898). The Hanover community was already l35 years old and it attracted many German Baptist people from some of the surrounding churches. Early records of the congregation indicate that additions to the growing church transferred their memberships from the Little Conewago (Black Rock) (l738), the Upper Conewago (l74l), the Pipe Creek (l758), and the Monocacy (l858) congregations. The congregations very early family surnames reflect the strong presence of German Baptists in York County. Among these names are Baugher, Forry, Harlacher, Hetrick, Myers, Price, Shriver, Stauffer and Zeigler. The genealogies of many of these families are presented in the book.
One of the early free ministers of the church was Jacob E Myers (l896 - l946) who ministered to the church at the same time he supported himself as a school teacher in Hanover and in Spring Grove, PA. Jacob and Mary Brillhart Myers moved their family into Hanover during World War I from the Codorus Church. Jacob Myers served the congregation as the Presiding Elder for nearly a decade (l936-l946). The congregation grew steadily for half a century under the free ministry program. Over the years, sixteen self-supported ministers were received by church letters and six were elected by the congregation. In addition, the church has called five people to the Christian ministry over the past several decades. The book provides an A-B-C account with an album of names, a biographical record and a chronology of changes which the Hanover congregation faced in a centennial of service. By l953, the congregation changed from its free ministry program to a pastoral program. The pastors called from the brotherhood provided an extension of former ministries begun by former leaders. At the same time, they promoted church growth and educational programs and a variety of service ministries, involving more and more lay people in the total life of the church.
The pastors of the church have been six in number:
Glen E Norris (l953-l959)
Glenn E Kinsel (l959-l967)
Roger L Forry (l967-l977)
C Curtis Rhudy (l978-l987)
John D Byers (l989-l998)
Eric M Longwell (2000- )The Hanover congregation has established itself as a caring community with a strong emphasis on cooperative Christianity. It has shown itself flexible in the face of a changing society and has continued to meet the needs of the worlds distresses. The church has remained active in seeking to remain true to its Christian sense of mission. The cost of this 300 page hardbound book is $18.00 plus $2.00 for shipping and handling made payable to the:
Hanover Church of the Brethren, 601 Wilson Aveue, Hanover, Pennsylvania 17331
Beliefs Of The Early Brethren 1706-1735
by William G. Willoughby
While most historical studies of the Brethren make some reference to the beliefs of the adherents of this movement, this is the first study devoted exclusively to an analysis of the beliefs of the founding members in the period roughly from 1706-1735. The author shows how the Brethren reflected not only the major Protestant beliefs, but some of the specific emphases of the Pietists, the Separatists, and the Anabaptists. Another significant contribution is Willoughby's evaluation of these early Brethren beliefs (which evolved in a significantly different age and culture from ours). He identifies several areas in the early Brethren belief system that might be challenged on a contemporary perspective. He also considers several unique Brethren ideas as "beliefs of enduring value."
The book is essential reading for Brethren leaders today. Volume 6 of the Monograph Series. For More Information, contact Ronald G. Lutz
Willoughby, William G., THE BELIEFS OF THE EARLY BRETHREN 1706-1735
(Philadelphia: Brethren Encyclopedia Inc., Volume 6 of Monograph Series, 1999)
ISBN #0936693517, 110 pp., index, $35.00
Mail Orders: Brethren Encyclopedia Inc., 313 Fairview Avenue, Ambler, PA 19002 - (add $3.00 postage & handling)
Ruthie, Brethren Girl
by Ruth R. Stokes
Meet Ruthie, an ordinary girl who has lived an extraordinary life. In her autobiography, Ruthie, Brethren Girl, author Ruth Rogers Stokes shares her parents' background from Bedford County, Pennsylvania (Rogers-Walters, Mock-Lint surnames), and stories of her life growing up in Montgomery County, Pennsylvania. Ruth was raised in a household rooted in the Brethren heritage during a time when moral values were measured quite differently than they are today! In her writing she talks candidly about her remarkable life and adventures. She shares her journey of spiritual growth, and the many times when her faith was tested.
Ruthie, Brethren Girl takes you back in time to life as it was during the Depression, when she was a child musician and radio entertainer. She lived through World War II and worked at a defense plant in the 1940s. You will enjoy her exciting journey into all-girls baseball as it was in the 1950s when she played for the "Norristown Nifties" and the "Philadelphia Fillies." And she recounts her twenty-three years at Sportsman's Paradise sporting goods store in Ambler, PA, working with her husband Harry. Ruth was a church volunteer, wife, mother, and businesswoman in a three-generation household which is in her opinion a true celebration of family!
Autobiography/Christian Inspiration $14.95 WinePress Publishing November 1996 ISBN #1-883893-60-7 240 Pages Softcover 22 Photos Maps Genealogy Chart Index To order a copy from the author -- Send a check to "Ruth R. Stokes" for $15.00 (includes postage) to: RUTHIE, BRETHREN GIRL 351 East Butler Avenue, Ambler, PA 19002-4320 Credit card orders -- Masthof Bookstore, RR 1, Box 20 Morgantown, PA 19543 E-mail: masthof@ptdprolog.net FAX: 610-286-6860 Phone: 610-286-0258
Stoner Brethren
by Richard R. Weber, Published 1993
John Stoner (ca.1705-1769) and his children, Catherine Arnold, Mary Ann Price, John; Jacob, David, Agnes Arnold, and Abraham, have left an astonishing trail of documents in Colonial Pennsylvania and Maryland. Most Brethren Stoners belong to this family. Verified by extensive primary evidence. More than 100 Pennsylvania and Maryland records before the American Revolution. Over 6000 indexed names, with many allied families, including: Albaugh, Arnold, Baker, Beery, Bowman, Brower, Brown, Burger, Cover, Crumpacker, Danner, Diehl, Engel, Englar, Fisher, Flora, Funk, Garber, Gish, Good, Graybill, Hess, Hoover, Hyre, Johnson, Klein, Landis, Lightner, Long, Miller, Myers, Neff, Newcomer, Noffsinger, Pfoutz, Plain, Rhoads, Rinehart, Roop, Royer, Sayler, Smith, Snively, Stouffer, Stover, Wampler, Weybright, and Wine.
638 acid-free, 7" x 10" pages, and premium hard cover PRICE $55.50 plus $4.50 Shipping & Handling TOTAL $60.00 Maryland residents please add $2.78 tax Send check or money order to: Richard R. Weber, 10715 Moosberger Ct., Columbia, MD 21044 ~ jbnimble1@gmail.com
Stover Brethren
by Richard R. Weber, Published 2001
Elder William Stover of Antietam, Franklin Co, PA is FOUND in Europe and at several locations in America. His children, George, William, Michael, Daniel, Jacob, Emanuel, Margaret Britz, Elizabeth Stoner, Susannah Gish, Catharine Gish, Hannah Landis, and Esther Feaster were born in the 1740s through 1760s; they scattered to five states. Includes the descendants of William Stover, his ancestors back to 1609, as well as his uncles, aunts, siblings, cousins, nieces, and nephews both in Europe and in many counties of America. Verified by extensive primary evidence. Thousands of original European and American records, extending back into the 1600s, some reproduced in the book. Groundbreaking discoveries disproving myths of the past. True date and place of William Stover's birth. Correct immigration date of William Stover. The wives of William Stover William Stover's first cousin neighbor, plus 22 forgotten ancestors of William Stover's descendants.
Exhaustive research reveals links with many people, places, and events, including: Arrest order for William Stover's ancestor Christopher Saur, Benjamin Franklin, Alexander Mack, Jr. Numerous ministers of the Brethren & other churches A. Stover, reputed originator of the Indiana term Hoosier Mayor Stover of Hagerstown; Mayor Stover of Chambersburg Stover died 1847 in Vera Cruz, Mexico Brothers serving the Confederacy & the Union. Stover descendant served both Confederacy & Union. Stover descendant died 1864 at Andersonville Prison. A drowning in Honduras.
Among many virtuous descendants, a few black sheep: One hanged in Salem, One a bigamist, One court-martialled, One stabbed in a card game
With many allied families, including 24 or more people with each of these, and a few other, surnames: Adams, Anderson Barnhart, Beckner, Benedict, Bish, Bock, Bowman, Britz/Britts, Brown, Carvin, Coffman, Custer, Deardorff, Eby, Fahrney, Fisher, Flora, Frantz, Funk, Gish, Good, Grove, Harris, Hess, Hollinger, Johnson, Kinsey/Kintze /Kinzey/Kinzie, Landis/Landes, Long, Looney, Martin, Meyer/Moyer, Miller, Mitchell Montgomery, Moomaw, Myers, Naff/Neff, Noffsinger/Nofsinger, Oyler, Peffley/Pefley, Peters, Pobst, Price, Reed, Rhoads/Rhodes, Robinson, Royer, Sollenberger/Sellenberg, Shank, Sheller, Smith, Snider/Shyder, Snodgrass, Stoner, Thompson, Vineyard, Waggoner/Wagner, Wampler, Weaver,Weber, Welty, Wilson, Winger/Wingert, Wolf, Ziegler/Zigler.
A Gift To Be Remembered
The Family of Elder William Stover of Antietam Richard R. Weber, 2001 PREMIUM-quality hard cover 702 pages 7" x 10" ACID-FREE paper ILLUSTRATED Over 13,000 individuals in nine generations NOTES & REFERENCES, BIBIOGRAPHY, and complete personal name INDEX PRICE $46.50 + $4.50 Shipping & Handling TOTAL $51.00 Maryland residents please add sales tax of $2.33 Send check or money order to: Richard R. Weber, 10715 Moosberger Ct., Columbia, MD 21044 ~ jbnimble1@gmail.com
Dunker Springhaus Ministries
Board of Trustees: William C. Kostlevy, Thomas Liby, Candice Orr Sally Thornburg, Treasurer; Richard M. Judy, Jr., SecretaryThe Olive Branch of Peace and Good Will to Men, Anti-war History of the Brethren and Mennonites, the Peace People of the South, During the Civil War 1861-1865", S.F.Sanger and D.Hays. It was originally published by the Brethren Publishing House in 1907 although the manuscript was prepared in 1898. Hardback. $19.95 & $2.50 S+H.
Theological Writings on Various Subjects, Peter Nead. Paper. First published in the mid nineteenth century, this work is the first English theology for the Brethren. This edition includes a Foreward written William C. Kostlevy, Ph.D. (Special Collections, Asbury Theological Seminary Library). His forward indicates the importance of Peter Nead for the Brethren. $12.95 & $2.50 S+H. (Shipping by Mid September.)
Make checks payable to: Dunker Springhaus Ministries, 319 E. Dewey Avenue
Youngstown, OH 44507
Neher Family History
by Jimmy E. Neher & Raymond E. Neher
Volume I was printed in 1989 with the expectation of two additional volumes to come out in the future.
To place an order, please contact: Jimmy E. Neher, 511 Chippewa Court, Kechi, Kansas 67067-8604.
Mason Family Genealogy Books
by Floyd R. & Kathryn Garst Mason
115 East Rainbow Drive
Bridgewater, Virginia 22812
Phone 540-828-4617, E-mail: masonf3150@rica.net, home.rica.net/masonf3150/
John Mason & Mary Ann Miller - 1986 - (hard cover) $ 35.00 John Mason and Mary Ann Miller lived in VA and raised a large family. Most of the children went to middle America before the Civil War. They lived in IN, MO, and OH. Matthias Miller & his 17 children - 1996 (hard cover) 2nded. $ 25.00 This is the family of Mary Ann Miller Mason. They lived in Berks Co., PA, and moved to VA, OH and IN. Ziegler Family Record - Revised - 1990 (hard cover) $ 40.00 Philip Ziegler & Regina Requel, Immigrants, lived in Berks Co., PA where they raised a large family. Some of this family remained in PA and some moved to VA, IN, OH and farther west. Michael Miller Family Record - 1993 (hard cover) 2nded. $ 45.00 Michael Miller & Susannah Bechtol, immigrants lived in PA and MD. His large family moved to VA, OH, and farther west. Our book is about sold out. A Wampler Family Record - 1996 (hard cover) $ 38.00 Hans Peter Wampfler of PA & MD. His large family moved to VA and farther west. This is mainly about John Wampler & Magdalena Garber of in VA. Michael Miller of 1692 - 1986 - 1st Ed. (soft cover) $ 3.00 This is a beginning effort of Michael Miller 1st ed. Some copies available. Shank Family Record - 1992 (soft cover) $ 4.00 A beginning record of Michael Shank of PA and VA. Several lines are carried forward. Cline-Kline Family History - Reprint (hard cover) $ 40.00 A reprint of Paul G. Kline book of 1971 with some additions by Mason George Klien Sr. Family Record - 1997 (hard cover) $ 22.00 George Klein & Dorothy Rebmans two sons Philip & David are carried forward in this presentation. They lived in PA, VA, TX & OK. Niclous Garber Family Record (hard cover) $ 34.00 Niclous & Elizabeth Garber of PA, MD & VA and their 4 children, Elizabeth Good, Samuel, Martin and Anna Rife - nine generations. Shipping, handling and taxes must be added to each book ordered. Write for free information sheet and further instructions. If by mail, please send SASE.
George LONG and Margaret Rebecca KEEFER - Their Ancestors and Descendants
...is the title of my new family history. The family came from Somerset Co. PA, moved to Ohio c. 1845 (Tuscarawas, Holmes and Coshocton Cos.) then to Indiana c. 1850-60 (Owen, Clay, Greene, LaGrange Cos.) and beyond. The book brings each of their 12 children down to the present generation; 7 to 9 generations in most cases. This family was mostly Church of the Brethren and included three ministers among the 2nd generation. Associated names (spouses of the 12 children) are: BAIR, KEAGY, NEED, ROW, KEPLINGER, HOSTETLER, KAUB, NEFF, McMANAMIE, MILLER, CRITES, PRICE. Many more names are in the index. The hard cover book of about 480 pages also includes a bibliography and documentation.
To order, send $40 (check or money order) to Margaret E. Adams, 7452 N. Meadow Lane, New Carlisle, IN 46552, or for more information, e-mail me at dmadams9@aol.com.
A Dunker Boy Becomes Ecumenical
by Bernard Nathan King
Meet Bernie, the boy who grew up on the 265-acre Homestead farm in the Southern culture of the Eastern Shore of Maryland. Read of his pietistic roots and his love of nature in the changing seasons of the year. Read of the terrible hail storm and the Great Depression of the thirties that ultimately led to the loss of the farm home. Read how the strong pacifist convictions of the family were tested through two World Wars. One brother chose alternative service which found him in an important administrative job. Bernard tells his story of the Depression years and the World War II years while serving in the McPherson pastorate.
The author pastored Churches of the Brethren from 1930 in Maryland, Illinois,Kansas, Pennsylvania, Ohio, Virginia and Florida. His final retirement was in 1978. Through ministry he names local lay leaders, denominational executives and distinguished churchmen, giving credit for their contributions of his ministry. Three of King's pastorates were in the shadow of Brethren colleges.
In the objective story of his life, societal issues then and now are treated such as: race relations, adolescence, his mother's death and the adjustments to a step-mother, mothers in public jobs, community ministries, family affairs, aging, etc. The first printing was sold out. A second printing was made. Published by Center Square Press, Mechanicsburg, PA, the book is a 204 page maroon covered, hard bound book, and includes 21 photos and a detailed index. Cost, including postage is $21.75 each, and copies may be purchased by calling (717) 624-4021 or writing: Rev. Bernard N. King, 109C Faith Drive, New Oxford, PA 17350.
Brethren Bibliography A resource of Brethren, Anabaptist, and Pietist literature
“He that loveth his brother abideth in the light, and there is no occasion of stumbling in him.”
1 John 2:10
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