

Continuing the work of Jesus : Peacefully ~ Simply ~ Together


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Cyber Oriented Brethren Header

New to the online world? Have trouble understanding those little symbols embedded in the e-mail that you receive? Without the ability to communicate using facial expressions or tonal inflections, online people use keyboard symbols to convey what they mean. After a sentence, they place a symbol to convey the tone of their previous expression. These little keyboard symbols are called EMOTICONS (ee-MOTE-ee-kons) from the words emotion and icon. Online communication also has lots of Acronyms, groups of three and four capital letters that stand for some longer phrase. We have a lot of them below, so take the time to learn what your friends are really saying, and in what tone they mean it.


:-) Smile face (humor intended)
(-: User is left-handed
:-D Big Smile
:-( Sad face
;-) Smiling and winking
:] User is a robot
:[ User is a frog (Emma ****, Pennsylvania)
:-))) Laughing uncontrollably
:-@ Shouting
8-) User has binoculars
%-) Star-struck ...or in love ...or walked into a telephone pole
:-? Tongue licking good!
*:o) User is a clown - (Ken Gresh, Pennsylvania)
:-7 Stated with tongue in cheek
:-! User is chewing pencil
:-* User ate something sour
:-& User is tongue-tied
:-\ User is skeptical
~:-| User is steamed - (Ken Gresh, Pennsylvania)
:-x User attending formal dinner
:-P Sticking Tongue Out - (Beth Lathe, Pennsylvania)
:~) User's nose is running
:-O Uh oh! - Forgive my big mouth
:-Q (as above with tongue)
:-# User has braces
<:-| User is a dunce - (Ken Gresh, Pennsylvania)
=|:-> Younger Brethren with Hat and beard
=|:->>> Older Brethren with Hat and longer beard
$-) User is rich
S-) User pretends to be rich
$-$ User is super rich
0:-) User is an angel
o:-) User Thinks he is an angel
:-{ User has moustache
{: User has toupee
}: Toupee in high wind
[: User wearing Walkman
3:-) Cow impersonating a user
(:-:) User is Siamese twin
:-| :-| :-| :-| User experiencing “deja vu”



Onliners also like to abbreviate things since e-mail tends to be quick and to the point. For this reason, "ABB's" are often placed before a sentence to convey an expression or explain what is about to be written. There are also a few Abbs that appear after a sentence, in the same manner as Emoticons, plus a couple that just stand alone.

24-7-365 24 hours/day - 7 days/week - 365 days/year
AAMOF As A Matter Of Fact
ADN Any Day Now
AFAIK As Far As I Know
AFAICT As Far As I Can Tell
AFK Away From Keyboard - (Jim W., Australia)
AIMSH Am I Missing Something Here
AISB As I Said Before
AKA Also Known As
ALTM At Least To Me
AMAP As Much As Possible
AOBTD Another One Bites The Dust
ASAP As Soon As Possible
A/S/L Age / Sex / Location
ATM At The Moment
B/C Because
B4N Bye For Now
BB Bye Bye
BIBLE Basic Information Before Leaving Earth
BION Believe It Or Not
BOT Robot
BRB Be Right Back
BTDT Been There Done That
BTTD Back To The Dorm
BTW By The Way
    OBTW Oh, By The Way
BYOD Bring Your Own Device (hand-held/mobile device)
CLM Career Limiting Move
CUL8R Se You Later
CYA See Ya - (J. Fields, Missouri)
D/L Download
DDAS Don't Do Anything Stupid
DITWB Dyed In The Wool Brethren
DIY Do It Yourself
DMCA Digital Millennium Copyright Act
F2F Face To Face
FAFSA Free Application For Student Aid
FAI Frequently Argued Issue
    FAT Frequently Argued Topic
FAQS Frequently Asked QuestionS
    UFAQS Unofficial Frequently Asked QuestionS
FFC For Future Contemplation
FMTEYEWTK Far More Than Everything You've Ever Wanted To Know
FYE For Your Enjoyment
FYI For Your Information
FWIW For What It's Worth
<G> I'm grinning when I say this
<GRIN> I'm "really" grinning when I say this!
G2G Got to Go
GAL Get A Life
GFD Gone For the Day
GFE2E Grinning From Ear to Ear
GMTA Great Minds Think Alike
GMV Got My Vote
GTG Got To Go
GTTS Got The T-Shirt
HHOJ Ha Ha Only Joking
HNIC Head Nurse In Charge
HIWTH Hate It When That Happens
HS/D Home Schooled
HTCYOHP How To Create Your Own Home Page
HTH Hope That Helps
HUD Heads Up Display
IAC In Any Case
IAE In Any Event
IDGI I Don't Get It
IDK I Don't Know
IIRC If I Remember Correctly
IKWUM I Know What You Mean
IMO In My Opinion
    IMHO In My Humble Opinion
    IMNSHO In My Not So Humble Opinion
    JMO Just My Opinion
    JMHO Just My Humble Opinion
IOT In Order To
IOW In Other Words
IRL In Real Life
ISV Independent Software Vendor
ISTM It Seems To Me
ITIOC In The Interest Of Consistency
IYD In Your Dreams
IYKWIM If You Know What I Mean
JAPH Just Another Perl Hacker
JFC Just For Consistency
JIC Just In Case
JK Just Kidding
JMT Just My Thoughts
KOTC Kiss On The Cheek
KWIM Know What I Mean
LMK Let Me Know
LOL Lot's Of Laughs
LOL Lot's Of Luck
LOL Laughing Out Loud
LOTF Laughing On The Floor
MMSFPMIA Many, many smile faces: Pardon me in advance - (Natalie Bürke, Germany)
M$ Microsoft
MTBF Mean Time Between Failures
MTBOI Make The Best Of It
MTO Made To Order
MSRP Manufacturers Suggested Retail Price
M2CW My Two Cents Worth
    MTCW My Two Cents Worth
NBIF No Basis In Fact
NIMBY Not In My Backyard
NLT No Later Than
NSIT New Sheriff In Town
OBTW Oh, By The Way
OIC Oh, I See
OITM Only In The Movies
OTOH On The Other Hand
OOTC Obligatory On-Topic Content
PLS Please
PMFBI Pardon Me For Butting In
    PMFJI Pardon Me For Jumping In
    PMFSI Pardon Me For Saying It
POD Plain Old Documentation
POV Point of View
    MPOV My Point of View
    TGHPOV The Generally Held Point of View
ROFL Rolling on Floor Laughing - (Beth Lathe, Pennsylvania)
ROFLMHO Rolling on Floor Laughing My Head Off - Corey Miller, Pennsylvania)
ROI Release Of Information
    ROI Return On Investment
    ROI Republic Of Ireland
RTFP Read The Fine Print
RTM Read The Manual
    RTFOM Read The Friendly Offline Manual
    RTSM Read The Stupid Manual
SAHD Stay At Home Dad
    SAHM Stay At Home Mother
SASE Self Addressed Stamped Envelope
SBW Saving Band-Width
SFIO Smiling From Inside Out - (Heather Phillips, Pennsylvania)
SIG Special Interest Group - (Heather Phillips, Pennsylvania)
SITD Still In The Dark
SNAFU System Normal All Fixed Up
SOS Same Old Stuff
SPAM Sales Promotional AdvertiseMent
SPILL Slow Poke In the Left Lane
SSP Shameless Self-Promotion
STM Sacrae Theologiae Magister (Master of Sacred Theology)
STTA Something To Think About
STNS Small Town No Sheriff (anything goes)
STWFTC Sorting The Wheat From The Chaff
    SWC Sorting (the) Wheat (from the) Chaff
TDJWH This Dog Just Won't Hunt
TFN Till Further Notice
TIA Thanks In Advance
TMK To My Knowledge
TMTOWTDI There's More Than One Way To Do It
TTFN Ta Ta For Now
TTUL Talk To yoU Later - (W. Fields, Missouri)
TTWH Thought That Would Happen
TY Thank You
XM eXcuse Me
WDDITW We don't do it that way
WDYE What Did You Expect
WIT Whatever It Takes
W/ With
W/O Without
WOB Waste Of Bandwidth
WOM Wisdom Of the Moment
WRT With Regard To
WSY We'll See Ya
WTG Way To Go
WYJKI Wouldn't Ya Just Know It
WYSIWYG What You See Is What You Get (wizzy-wig)
WYSISTWYG What You See Is Similar To What You Get (wissy-tig)
WWJD What Would Jesus Do
YAET Yet Another English Translation (of the Bible)
YBIC Your Brother In Christ
    YSIC Your Sister In Christ
YHBT You Have Been Trolled
YIKTIAHHTRL Yes, I know this is a huge, hard to read list
YMMV Your Mileage May Vary
YO Years Old
YOYO You're On Your Own



Communication is the desirable exchange of thoughts and ideas between individuals. But when these exchanges become undesirable, communication does not take place because the recipient turns off their desire to understand. These instances may arise from something as negligible as grammar or as acute as vulgarity. In order for reasonable people to expect their views to be desirable, many onliners try to maintain a standard for exchange called Netiquette.

Saturn CAPITALS LETTERS - MEAN THAT YOU ARE SHOUTING and it really turns some people off

Respect - other people without judgement or innuendo

Lurk - before you leap

Think globally - because people from other nations, cultures, or ethnic backgrounds may not understand your well intended homespun colloquialisms

Keep standards high - People will always form opinions about you based on your standards, and it is often extremely difficult to gain the respect of others when they observe you continually exhibiting your own low standards

Give newbies some slack - When newbies make obvious errors, remember that you were once a newbie, and would you have wanted to receive a harsh correction for something which you did not understand?

Don't abuse your power - Some people in cyberspace try to exert power over others. There are wizards in MUDs (multi-user dungeons), experts in every office, and sysops in every system. Rasing the hood of a car seems to turn everyone into a mechanic. Knowing more than others, or having more power than they do, does not give you the right to take advantage of them.

Don't send attachments to list servers - Attachments can cause havoc to some transfer systems, and in many cases may actually hang the user when he tries to download e-mail from his local ISP. Members of list servers often subscribe to more than one list, and are by nature, accustomed to scanning large amounts of e-mail without hassles. Some list server providers block attachment for just this reason.

The case of the snoopy foreign correspondent

In 1993, Michael Hiltzik, a highly regarded foreign correspondent in the Moscow bureau of the Los Angeles Times, was caught reading his coworkers' email. His colleagues became suspicious when system records showed that someone had logged in to check their email at times when they knew they hadn't been near the computer. So they set up a sting operation. They planted false information in messages from another one of the paper's foreign bureaus. Hiltzik read the notes and later asked colleagues about the false information. Bingo! As a disciplinary measure, he was immediately reassigned to another position at the paper's Los Angeles bureau

Moral: Failing to respect other people's privacy is not just bad Netiquette -it could potentially cost you your job


Some people just like to doodle and create nifty, personalized signatures at the end of their message. Here are a few of the more noteworthy ones that we have encountered.

ANGEL      (\          /)
           ( \   __   / )
           (  \ (  ) / )
             (  /<\  )
             ( / \/ \ )
              /      \
              (      )


        }<{{{o>   }<(((o>   }<{{{o>

        <`))))><   <`))))><   <`))))>< 

                   (  )
                   ) /

           (  ) 
            \ (

MONKEY SMILING (submitted by Shelbby C)





              (* *)
              (U U)


             ( >__< )
             ^^ ~~ ^^

                ~ ~

               (o o)

          \\  ~ ~  //
           (  @ @  )

      .oooO         (<> )
      ( <>)          ) /
       \ (          (_/



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Expressions and paradigms are constantly changing because people want to use new and more flavorful language in everyday online communication, especially in our fast paced technological world. If you just picked up another acronym in a newsgroup or list server, please send it to us.

Web Site Administrator

“Let no corrupt communication proceed out of thy mouth,
but that which is good to the use of edifying, that it may minister grace unto the hearers.”
Ephesians 4:29