Page 29 - 2020 Conference Booklet
P. 29

The District provides oversight and accountability for its Pastors and congregations. While our
               congregations are somewhat independent, I believe it is important for the District leadership to lead by
               example and present polity that is consistent with scripture.
               Describe the gifts God has given you to continue the work of Jesus; particularly through the position
               to which you have been nominated.
               The desire of my heart is for the churches of our denomination, more specifically our district, to make
               seeking the will of God our first priority. We have sacrificed too much Biblical truth for the sake of
               keeping sinners comfortable. The result of this is; diminishing congregations and districts, and weakened
               an ineffectual denomination.

               How do you foresee implementing the gifts above to the position which you are being nominated?
               The Southern PA district has been blessed to be represented by many Godly men and women. It’s
               important that we continue this tradition by seeking those that will serve in humility, truth, and in
               prayer for our congregations. My intention wherever I serve is to offer and provide a traditionally
               Biblical voice to the proceedings.

               List the intercultural experiences you have been a part of during the past 5-8 years.
               I voluntarily led a weekly Bible Study for four years at a boarding home. Many of the participants were
               disabled veterans from all races and walks of life.

                                      LEON YODER – Chambersburg Church of the Brethren –Retired Pastor

                                       List local congregational, District or National responsibilities, past or present
                                       to which you have served or are currently serving.
                                       Served 4 congregations for a total of 40 years in pastoral ministry, (retired
                                       from Greencastle CoB may 2019), Mid-Atlantic CoB District board 1998-2003
                                       (4 of those years as board chair); SoPA District program and arrangements
                                      committee 2006-2008; Camp Eder Board 2010-2017 (6 years as board chair);
                                     currently serving as moderator of the Thurmont CoB; as a retired minister I am
               currently doing occasional pulpit supply.

               Share your understanding of the relationship of the District structure with the local congregation.
               I believe the District should provide the local congregations accountability, support, programing,
               pastoral placement, licensing and ordination for pastors, continuing education opportunities for pastors,
               guidance and wisdom for pastors and lay leaders, etc. The District structure should serve as the “glue”
               that holds the congregations together in a functioning body of believers. The congregations in return
               should provide financial support and volunteers for the operation and functions of the District.

               Describe the gifts God has given you to continue the work of Jesus; particularly through the position
               to which you have been nominated.
               Skills in leading groups, bringing peace and reasoning into group dynamics, compassion, a deep love for
               Jesus Christ and His Church, a strong desire to win souls for Christ and carry out the Great Commission.

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